
Showing posts from July, 2020

Poker Passive - How to Deal With a Poker Passive

Poker Online passive refers to what you do with your cards after you have called your opponent's bluff. Most players will call their opponent a bluff just because they do not want to admit they are bluffing, but if you are playing a game with skill it is important to know what to do after bluffing. If you play a game without being skilled at it you may have to deal with the fact that you have called your opponent's bluff and there is no way to tell whether or not he is bluffing. This article will discuss how to deal with a poker passive situation The first thing you need to think about when dealing with a poker passive is whether or not you are bluffing. If you are bluffing then the only option available to you is to continue playing until you get your hands dealt out and the cards face up and all cards are yours. If you think you are bluffing then it is important to find out whether your opponent is bluffing as well and whether you can make an educated guess about it. On...